3 Ridiculous Cat Products You Can’t Live Without

Here’s a list of things you really don’t need per se, but you will probably really want them. I know I’ve talked myself into thinking I need each and every one of these products even though I don’t. I promise, theres not an ounce of regret in me either!

  1. App Monitoring Cat Fountain

Not only is this the most aesthetically pleasing cat fountain I’ve ever come across…but it also tracks my cat’s water consumption which is very practical and helpful to know for health reasons. You can purchase this in either black or white so it will fit everyone’s aesthetic.

2. Litter Robot

Never scoop poop again! Yes, you read that right. With this litter robot, pass along all of the shi**y responsibilities of cat ownership over to this automatic cleaning litter box. You will never go back and it is worth every dime!

3. Mau 73” Tall Modern Scratching Tower and Bed

This might be one of the most insane cat towers I have ever come across but, it truly combines everything into one. From a scratching post to a bed to all play needs this is a one stop shop for all of your cat needs. And, it better be for the hefty price tag! I have got to say though, Mau does an incredible job at creating bougie, functiona; products that will not ruin your home’s aesthetic…which is very difficult to find in the cat world.


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